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Connect your Threads account
Victor De Blander avatar
Written by Victor De Blander
Updated over a week ago

StoryChief allows you to publish social posts directly to your Instagram Threads account.

Start connecting your Instagram account

Step 1. Visit your Channels page by expanding the top-right menu and clicking on Integrations. πŸ‘‰ Quick link.

Step 2. Click on or scroll down to "Social networks". Choose Threads.

Step 3. Click on "Add new destination".

Step 4. You will now be sent to the login screen to log in to your Threads or Instagram account.

After giving permission, and proceeding through the process, you will be redirected to StoryChief and you can start posting.

πŸŽ‰ Congratulations, your Thread account is connected!

πŸ“š Next steps

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