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Connect your Drupal 7 website
Connect your Drupal 7 website
Brik De Maeyer avatar
Written by Brik De Maeyer
Updated over 5 months ago

Is your website running on Drupal? Great! With our plugin, you can publish your StoryChief articles to your website. The following article walks you through the connection process.

Start connecting your Drupal 7 website

Step 1. Download our Drupal plugin (version 7.x). Unzip the downloaded file and upload the storychief folder to your /sites/all/modules/ directory. The final destination should be /sites/all/modules/storychief.

Step 2. Enable the module in the Administration section of your Drupal website.Β 

Step 3. Visit your channel page by expanding the top-right menu and clicking on Integrations. πŸ‘‰ Quick link. Click on "Drupal".

Click on the "Add new destination" button.

Step 4. Copy the encryption key and go to the StoryChief config page on your Drupal website. (Β 

  • Paste the encryption key in the corresponding field and press save the configuration.

  • Choose the node type StoryChief should use to create articles.Β 

  • Map the StoryChief fields to your node fields.Β 

  • Click on "Save configuration".

Need help with linking the fields? Read this article.
​Step 5. Go back to your Drupal channel configuration page on StoryChief and fill in your Drupal URL in the corresponding field. Click on "Save settings".

πŸŽ‰ Your Drupal website is now connected to StoryChief!

Next time you publish your article you can choose your Drupal website as a destination.

πŸ“š Next steps

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