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Ask someone to review your social post

Receive feedback from users or externals before publishing your social post

Gregory Claeyssens avatar
Written by Gregory Claeyssens
Updated over 5 months ago

Do you want someone to check your social post before it is published? Did you know you can also collaborate on social posts with people who aren't StoryChief users? These can be clients, external collaborators, and colleagues who don't have a user in the workspace because they don't need to work intensively. It's a simple and streamlined process with StoryChief!

Watch our Academy video πŸ“Ή on creating a social post for a step-by-step guide:

In this article

1. Asking for a review

Step 1. Go to the social post overview and open a social post.

Step 2. Click on Collaborate located at the top right of the editor.

Step 3. Choose Ask someone to review.

Step 4. A new window will appear where you can choose a user inside your workspace or enter the email addresses of people without a user account. If you want, add a personalised message.

Enable the "Also ask for approval" checkbox to allow the person to approve or decline the current state of the social post (this does not automatically publish the social post or prevent its publication).

πŸ’‘ Tip: Now, it's also possible to invite the list of previously invited people. This is both for invitations to edit and to review a story.

Step 5. Then, the person you want to collaborate with will receive an email that they have been invited to review a social post. Next, they need to click on the green button Review:

❌ Limitation: To discourage spam accounts from using StoryChief, requesting approval is disabled during the trial period. You will receive a 401 Unauthorized error.

πŸ”” Note: By clicking on "Review", they will open your social post and will be able to accept or decline it. They can also leave some extra feedback if needed.

They can also close the Review tab and reopen it again when needed by clicking on Pending approval at the top right corner:

Step 6. Before or after approving or declining the social post, they can also send comments to any user. Some users first send a number of comments to the copywriter with changes that need to be made, and once done, they approve the social post.

Step 7. The user that has sent the approval request will receive an email and an in-app notification every time the social post has been approved or declined.

πŸ”” Note: An external guest can give feedback, add comments and approve or decline a social post. Yet, they won't be able to edit the social post. To be able to edit a social post they need to be a user inside your account.

Moreover, they will only get access to view this social post, but they won't get access to the rest of the workspace or its content.

Viewing the status of a request

In the Social Posts overview page, you will see who was sent a request for approval and the current status. In the example below, you can see that it is currently pending by 2 people, an existing user and a non-user:

Deleting an approval request

Step 1. Open the Review sidebar inside the social post by clicking on "Pending approval".

Step 2. Click on ... next to their name and click on "Delete". A window will appear asking you to type "DELETE" to confirm this request.

πŸ“š Next steps

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