Every user in a StoryChief workspace has a personal space where a couple of settings can be adjusted. These settings are private and no one else has access to them.
Start customizing your profile
Step 1. To configure your personal profile for a specific StoryChief workspace, you need to log into the workspace > click on your name at the top right > click on Your profile (or just click here).
π Note: If you are invited to multiple workspaces, all these fields are synced in all your workspaces.
Step 2. On this page, you can configure the most general settings for your profile.
Your profile picture (click on the bin icon first)
Your first name
Your last name
Your email address
Your password
This way, people can easily recognize you in the content overviews:
Step 3. Your security settings: Secure your account by enabling a two-factor authenticator (2FA).
π Once you have configured all fields, click on Update and you are ready to go!